New this season!
The GSL is trying to get an over 50 division started.
If you are interested please sign up here. > Register
  • If we can get 48 or more interested people we can create a 4 team division.
  • We are thinking this will be a draft league. If you are interested in being a captain indicate that in comments.
  • Night of play is tentativly scheduled for Monday.
  • You must be 50 or over in the 2025.
  Name comment
1 Dan Bujold Played over 35 for 15 years, men's B for 5 years, Average player, any position but pitch or 1rst
2 Kevin Brisley Have played in GSL for 20 years (previously mixed and mens, currently over-35).
3 Rick Hohendorf Have played in over 35 for a number of years. Can pitch or play infield.
4 John Etheridge Decent player. Can play anywhere.
5 Bill Grandy Played in GSL 35+ Division since 2008.
6 Mike Cook C'mon, where are all the 50 year old guys!!!!
7 Mike Drakes Not sure I want to play fulltime, no issue subbing in or even part time. I generally pitch, but will play anywhere.